If Crows Know Best is out in the world–and people I don’t even know are reading it.

Great Writers, Right Here

Great Writers, Right Here

imageThe experience of an indie-pub book launch is surreal, in some respects. I never thought my book would sell in 8 of the 12 countries Amazon covers. I was not expecting the sales volume it has generated since the end of November. And, I thought I would have to beg my friends to post reviews. Total strangers are posting thoughtful comments that reflect a careful reading of my very own book. I pinch myself daily! Thank you, readers and fans. You are just the best!

2014 Community Novel Project for TSCPL

For the first time, our collaborative novel will feature both an adult title and a children’s book. Since I primarily write MG and YA, I opted for the kidlit group.

My submitted premise was again chosen by the other authors. Being validated in this way is doing so much for my muse; the laughter, the dancing, oh my!

This year I have written chapter 2. The library will begin online publishing @ end of May, one chapter at a time, culminating in the book launch scheduled for September with print copies, audio book and e-book on Amazon.

Watch this space for more info about the adventure!

Topeka Shawnee County Public Library

Search the library site to find the 2013 Community Novel Project e-book ‘SPEAKEASY’. A collaborative writing effort by 20+ local authors, each of whom contributed a chapter. Mine is chapter 1! (I went first because the group selected the premise I proposed. I was proud.)

Also available on Amazon.com and as an audiobook.

Progress by the Marketeers

I have been invited to join a group of local authors in a marketing collective, where we will share ideas for promoting our work. These authors are further along than I am in platform building, etc.
So, this very day I have created a Facebook author page (Aimee L. Gross, author & artist) and set up a domain on WordPress. I am feeling quite techie, except that it was ridiculously easy to walk through.
These are, however, steps to check off on my way to the goal: My books out there for readers!